
IT - Network Specialist


与大胆的技术新职业建立联系. Gateway’s IT -网络专家大专学历 将准备你建立,支持,安全和维护计算机网络和云. 成为公司在当今经济中可以依赖的那种网络管理员,为员工之间提供不断的连接, customers and business partners. You’ll be wired for success!

  • Work with state-of-the-art technology 盖特韦公司在拉辛和埃尔克霍恩校区的实验室里有数据中心, servers, routers, firewalls, switches and cloud infrastructure. 
  • Enjoy a flexible schedule 虚拟实验室使用行业认可的课程,为您提供全天候远程访问这个计算机网络学位. 
  • Study the industry’s cutting-edge curriculum and technology from Cisco, Microsoft, 惠普和包括Linux在内的开源平台, 满足任何雇主的要求,并准备多项认证. 
  • Develop a resume and portfolio 以项目为基础的学习作为你的设计, install, configure, administer, 确保和维护跨平台的企业网络和云环境, 然后通过在当地企业实习获得实际经验.
  • Prepare to advance your education Gateway与威斯康辛大学系统的学校签订了许多转学协议, plus universities like Bellevue, Cardinal Stritch, Franklin, Herzing and Ottawa.
Program Credits



Elkhorn Campus, Racine Campus, Online

Financial Aid Eligible


Estimated Program Cost

Tuition & Fees: $9,612
Books & Supplies: $4,386

Start Dates

Fall, Spring

Salary Outlook


Career Opportunities: IT Network Support Specialist, Network Administrator, IT Systems Cloud Administrator, Associate Data Center Technician, Data Center Operations Technician

IT – Network Specialist Career Pathway

职业路径旨在帮助您实现教育目标,探索大学和职业选择. 路径由相关的证书组成, 建立在共同技能和知识基础上的文凭和学位. 你可以从职业道路上的任何一点开始,并根据你的目标定制你的职业道路. 查看你感兴趣领域的路径.